The story behind
Harald Iversen and Søn
Harald Iversen & Søn is a company with a history that spans more than 60 years. We are based in Thyborøn, on the west coast of Jutland.The company produces and trades in fresh fish purchased at Danish fish auctions and from Danish suppliers.Our placement in the exact location where the fish arrives and where the fishermen live means that we have first-hand knowledge of fish, catch methods, fish processing, fishermen, and everything else concerning fish.
This knowledge and the more than 60 years of experience we have in the industry means that we know what good quality is.We attach particular importance to this as we live in accordance with the motto:“We can discuss the price, but quality is not subject to discussion.”If the fish cannot meet the requirements we place on quality, we do not trade in it.Harald Iversen & Søn has two sales divisions.The first one sells processed goods.Production takes place in our own factory.The other division trades in whole fish and partially processed goods.
We are most certainly not the largest company in the industry.We are probably not the smartest and most competent one, either.However, we can offer loyal cooperation, hard work, experience, and honesty.
If this meets the requirements you place on your supplier, you are very welcome to get in touch with us